
Virking Business Enterprises (UK) Ltd provides to our clients several rage of services such as:

Boating and Water Safety Advice, Vessel Chartering Services, Services for Your Fleet, just to name a few

Boating and Water Safety Advice

Virking Business Enterprises (UK) Ltd provides boating and water safety advice; by making a few significant safety preparations prior to each trip to clients, such as filing a float plan and reviewing the boating rules of the road

Vessel Chartering Services

Virking Business Enterprises (UK) Ltd helps charter to client’s tonnage for different type of routes and also different types of items such as: Bulk Cargo, Project Freight, Individual Heavy Lifts, Full & Part Vessel Cargo, Voyage and Time Critical Contracts.

Services for Your Fleet Virking Business Enterprises (UK) Ltd provides services for vessels such as repair services, daily logistics, maintenance schedules, manage your growing fleet. Manage deliveries and re-deliveries for items returned